Birthdates: Harold: 1885 Flo: 1889 died 1980 (Florence) Olive: 1919 Clifford (John): 1921 Dorothy (Margaret): 1925 1918 Flo and Freda 1906 Mother young (1891) 1927 Dorothy, Olive, Cliff in 1927 OliveDorothyCliff.jpg 1929 Cliff 8 years Dorothy 4 years Olive 10 years Flo 40 years Harold 44 years 1938 Margaret Law in 1938 MargaretLaw1938.jpg 1940 Cliff, Olive, Flo, Harold Cliff_Simpson_20120073.jpg Battleford grocery store GroceryStore.jpg Cliff on grass CliffOnGrass.jpg Olive in 1940 Olive1940.jpg 1942 Three rare color slides from Prongua (prounounced "Prongy") Prongua42.1.jpg Prongua42.2.jpg Prongua42.3.jpg 1945 Cliff receives the B.A. degree CiffB.A.jpg 1948 Dorothy receives B.A. degree BA_Degree48.jpg 1950 May 17, 1950, evening of wedding 17May1950.jpg MD Graduation photo MDgrad1950.jpg Olive and Wes Olive&Wes.jpg Bonnie Simpson BonnieSimpson.jpg 1952-55 Pat and Rob Pat&Rob.jpg Dad and Leslie at8 Months Leslie8Months.jpg Mark in Neudorf MarkNeudorf.jpg Baby Lynne babeLynneSmiling.jpg Others: 52-55 1957 Rare color slide on Brenda's first birthday with Lynne, Les, Brenda made by Claude Donald ClaudePhoto_Bday.jpg Family portrait 2023-11-21-0001.jpg 1958 Color photo of an over night stay on our way from Topeka to Vancouver Walt drove the chev+trailer; Mom and paid helper (shown) took turns driving the other car. OnWayToVancouver.jpg 1961 Two photos of interior of Blenheim house BlenheimHouse.jpg BlenheimBasement.jpg Eileen with us in jail 2023-11-21-0002.jpg 1963 Brenda's birthday B_birthday63.jpg Babka Babka63.jpg Uncle Bill Paley at Blenheim back yard BillPaleyBlenheim.jpg Easter eggs with Eileen EileenEasterEggs63.jpg HimAgain (Brenda) HimAgain.jpg New Year's Eve Soma&Walt NewY_Eve63.jpg Mrs Sneade and Leslie Snead&Les63.2.jpg Disneyland DisneyDec63.jpg Mark and his lover Disney63.2.jpg New Year Day at Margaret and Claude NewYear@Marg&Claude.3.jpg 1964 Les and Baba 2023-11-08-0002.jpg One of our first trips to the BC islands was to Denman Island. Here, we are waiting for a ferry. Brenda on badly frayed rope BrendaToDenman64.jpg Dad rented a motorboat for our use during this trip but it was difficult to launch at low tide so they used a tractor to tow it out: ToDenman.jpg Aunt Ann Uncle Sid Ann&Sid@Blenheim64.jpg 6069 in the snow Dec64.jpg Mark on the roof placing Xmas lights MarkOnTop64.jpg Brenda in the snow Xmas64Blenheim.jpg Saratoga Beach tires Saratoga.JPG Grumpy Girls Grumps.JPG Stewart Rollo and Cathy, Carol Baird RolloBairdsBrenda64.jpg Brenda on sports day SportsDay64.jpg Riding Camp RidingCamp64.3.jpg Lots more in 64. 1965 Bonnie's wedding BonnieJim65.1.jpg Chiefton climb ChieftainGroup.jpg ChieftainMark.jpg Cliff in truck Cliff65.jpg Badminton Badminton65.jpg Hannahs at Indan Head Hannahs65.jpg Simpson family at Unity Unity65.1.jpg Other Unity photos Tom Nancy Baird Halloween TomNancyBaird65.jpg 1966 Datsun fairlady Bowron Lakes Infamous Bowron rail car Lake Kalamalka Skaha lake swimming; Corbett Sooke waves Ralph Banting on ferry Ralph Greer Dorothy & June Corbett Hannah Group Photo Cliff_Simpson_20120106.jpg 1967 Brenda in suds Dennis and Barb wedding Soma and Harold 1968 Harold and Flo 50th anniversary The Donald family Donald Family Donalds68.jpg The Simpsons Bill and Kate at Read Lin & Ed Brenda with rabbit Mt William Walt & Dido Xmas morning 1969 Dad and Soma on ice Harond, Ann, Lucy Harold & Flo in Unity (for BBWed) Bryan & Bev wedding Corbett & Flo Flo knitting in skiff Harold and Flo on Gill's boat Harold and Trudeau Flo outside family home in England House Of Orange Taylor's house grandparents at Xmas Les grade 12 1970 Baba & Addie Vacuum for Xmas Soma and Rusty Walt with beads Xmas dinner 1971 Corbett at the helm David Kareen Wong Jim Banting Greers at Read Mark & Shelagh in Gill's boat Shelagh & Mary Soma track suit Soma & David sleeping at the point Soma & David Starfish Mark UBC Grad Xmas 71, Soma peeking out 1972 Hard & Flo Mary & Harold Mom & Dad (Lynne's bead curtain) Evening Mountain Read Island with Mary Hunky Dory Tom Baird 1973 Dodge Dart Mary Curling at Read Les & Ken hats 1974 Cookout on Texada (?) 1975 PSR march Soma in dress 818 W 24 France photos (Our old house? see 2000) Tow Law 1977 Harold & Jason Les, Sam, goat 1979 Ken and family Ken and Mother Little Reba Dorothy and Flo Dorothy in kitchen Lynne with kids Les and Sam 1980 Goresky grandparents with Lynne, Dennis Jason, Sam, Reba in the snow Lynne, Dennis, Jason, Reba 1981 Under the Xmas tree Halloween Dorothy & Flo Texada Sand castles Olive, Wes, Bonnie at White Rock 1982 Olive in forest Wes at Long Beach 1983 Lynne in Olalla Dorothy in Russia Lynne, Les, Ken & kids 1984 Lynne & kids in Olalla Dorothy & kids in Olalla Mark 1985 Lynne and Reba Reba85.1.jpg 1987 Dorothy in bar Dorothy87.jpg Ken, Sam, Grandma IMAG0002.JPG Les&Ken IMAG0003b.jpg Noses IMAG0071.JPG Jason Atari img108.jpg Sam Boom box img138.jpg Family & Bob IAG0081.JPG Mark, Ken, Sam IMAG108.JPG Death Valley img074.jpg Sonja riding img156.jpg Moscow Moscow.jpg 1988 BabaJi IMAG0069.JPG Lynne in woods IMAG0001.JPG Leslie grad IMAG0096.JPG Grad with gparents IMAG0095.JPG Les and Dorothy IMAG0106.JPG Dorothy retirement IMAG0103.JPG Dorothy & Roda IMAG0109.JPG Bonnie & Dorothy Unity.JPG Cliff golfing in Unity UnityCliffGolfing.JPG Unity grain elevator UnityGrain.jpg 1989 Dorothy quilt for Shelagh IMAG0002JPG Leslie's morning IMAG0034.JPG Lynne Texada swimming TexadaSwimming2.JPG Bob Texada swimming TexadaSwimming4.jpg Sam, Les, Brian TexadaSwimming9.jpg Sam in profile IMAG0058.JPG Lantern Project LanternProject1.JPG, LanternProject2.JPG 1990 Brian on sofa IMAG0041.JPG Sam red googles IMAG0043.JPG Scissors Dorothy IMAG0044.JPG Les & Brian IMAG45.JPG Anuradha & Flo IMAG0048.JPG 1991 3 girls IMAG0037.JPG Baba & Dorothy IMAG0040.JPG Lynne & kids IMAG0042.JPG Olympic Peninsula OlympicPeninsula2.JPG Bonnie Olympic Peninsula OlympicPeninsula91.jpg Texada party TexadaPartyl.JPG 1992 Bonnie & MaryAnn BonnieMaryAnn.JPG Wes violin IMAG0036.JPG Dennis & family IMAG0104.JPG Lynne & Gwen LynneGwen.JPG Olive Wes Anniversary OWanniv4.JPG Cliff at O.W.Anniv OWanniv2.JPG Margaret, Claude, Olive, Wes IMAG0389.JPG 1994 Dorothy Tilley Hat IMAG0091.JPG Wes IMAG0230.JPG Olive IMAG0229.JPG Cliff IMAG0234.JPG 1995 3 sisters IMAG0008.JPG Margaret Dorothy Soma IMAG0011.jpg Sonja's cake IMAG0174.JPG Sonja HS grad IMAG0179.JPG Strathcona Strathcona1.JPG Strathcona reach Strathcona6.JPG Cliff IMAG0164.JPG Sam, Les, Soma img175.jpg 1996 Bums IMAG0127.JPG Jason 21 IMAG0153.JPG, Jason21.JPG Mark, Lynne, Les, Olive IMAG0132.JPG Christmas dinner IMAG0206.JPG Dorothy & Sam IMAG0129.JPG 1997 CostaRica CostaRica97.JPG Drum workshop 97 2000 Sonja grad & Lynne IMAG0142.JPG Sonja grad & Dennis IMAG0141.JPG Sam tuxedo IMAG0175.JPG China Trip China1.JPG Olive & Raymond IMAG0086.JPG Xmas dinner Xmas2001.JPG Our old house again TopHalfWhiteFarmHouse.jpg (see 1975) 2001 Lin & Soma IMAG0246.JPG Dorothy & Soma IMAG0248.JPG Lynne Kaleden img223.jpg 2002 Bead sculpture IMAG0278.JPG New Denver NewDenver3.JPG Preparing for Grand Canyon PreparingForGCanyon.JPG 2003 Block Party BlockParty1.JPG Cuba Cuba5.JPG Cuban chef Cuba7.JPG Les in Cuba IMAG0088.JPG Bonnie & Maryanne IMAG0288.JPG Tree in window Xmas2003.JPG Soma & Cathy img220.jpg 2004 Halloween cows Halloween04.1.JPG Xmas dinner Xmas04.1.JPG Jason Keren Xmas04.2.JPG Sam Mandy Xmas04.4.JPG Sonja Raymond Xmas04.5.JPG 2005 Lynne IMAG0316.JPG 80th birthday IMAG0322.JPG 80th birthday Dorothy 2023-11-11-0017.jpg